
Voysey’s River

Original price was: $170.00.Current price is: $128.00.

Designer Victoria and Albert Museum

Based on a hanging in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, which was made in Scotland in the 1890s. The design was called 'Duleek' by Voysey and was commissioned by Alexander Morton one of the most innovative textile manufacturers of the day.
    • 16" x 16"
    • 41 cm x 41 cm
    • 12 holes to the inch
    • The kits include a 100% cotton canvas printed in full colour, all the yarns required (100% pure new wool), a needle and an easy to follow guide to get you underway.
    • Kits do not include backing materials or cushion pads
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Victoria and Albert Museum

Celebrating the Arts and Crafts ethos and traditional textile techniques from Japan, Ehrman Tapestry has created a range of beautiful needlework kits inspired by the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the world’s leading museum of art, design and performance.

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