Corfu Bouquet


Designer Raymond Honeyman

A cheerful design from Raymond Honeyman with a holiday feel. Fresh colours and a more abstract style. The confetti scattered on the background is a great touch.
    • 18" x 18"
    • 46 cm x 46 cm
    • 12 holes to the inch
    • The kits include a 100% cotton canvas printed in full colour, all the yarns required (100% pure new wool), a needle and an easy to follow guide to get you underway.
    • Kits do not include backing materials or cushion pads
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Raymond Honeyman

Raymond Honeyman's paisleys and Art Nouveau flowers are some of our most popular kits. They are timeless. Raymond's joyous colours give them a contemporary flavour and the detailed thought he puts into their composition shines through.

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